WRSA’s Commitment to Our Clients
Our Commitment to Our Clients is to deliver Client-Centric Professional Engineering Services with Quality Performance, Value, and Continuous Improvement to Turn Your Ideas into Reality.
WRSA’s Core Values:
The Driving Force Behind Our Commitment to You

Like the immigrant plantation worker of the past, we put aside our bias and work hard to achieve relevance, significance, and security as a united Kumiai.
We Trust that our coworkers are conscientious team players who are committed to Client-Centric Quality Performance, Value, and Continuous Improvement with a sense of urgency and without hidden agendas.

We are not perfectionists, but we will perform to the Standard of Care required of our Profession and pledge to be dedicated coaches and mentors who share our knowledge with others in the Kumiai.
We recognize the contributions of past generations and will honor their legacy by pledging to be Stewards of ethical corporate governance as we deliver prosperity for all generations in the Kumiai.